Asking your employees to attach a receipt to purchases is a great way to stay organized. You can upload receipts to card and banking transactions whether they are existing transactions or new pending transfers.
To attach receipts on-the-go without logging into Rho, you can enable text and email receipt uploads. For more information about this feature, please see How to attach receipts to card transactions.
How to upload invoices or receipts for any transaction via the Rho desktop app:
To attach a receipt to an existing transaction in the Rho desktop app, locate and select the transaction from your Banking or Cards Tab. By selecting the line item, you will open the Transaction Details window to the right side of your screen.
At the top of that window, there is a section to upload a receipt or invoice. Simply drag and drop your file or click to select a file from your computer!
Note: Rho only allows you to upload your receipts as PDF, JPG, and PNG files.

You can see which transactions have receipts attached in the Banking or Cards pages. All transactions with a receipt attached (whether submitted by text, email, or desktop) will have a paperclip icon to the left of the transaction amount.

Note: If you have a Quickbooks integration, and you use Rho’s receipt capture feature, those receipt attachments will transfer over into your Quickbooks account.
You can also attach receipts via the following:
- Via email
- Via SMS
- Via the Rho App in the Cards tab