To see details for a specific transaction, click on the transaction in the Banking Tab. The Transaction Details window will open on the right side of your screen, allowing you to view details about the transactions, add notes and receipts, and split transactions.

The Transaction heading lists the amount of money involved in the transaction as well as the non-Rho account that sent or received the money. Additionally, the following details are provided when applicable:
Transaction Details
- Attachment: Allows you to view or add an attachment to your transaction. For more information about adding an invoice, see How do I add an invoice or receipt to a transaction?
- Status: The status of the transaction will display one of the following:
- Awaiting Approval
- Cancelled Transaction
- Pending Transaction
- Queued Transaction
- Settled Transaction
- Additionally, the status history for the transaction is displayed, which lists the transaction statuses and the associated transaction dates.
- Created: The date when the transaction was first posted to the Rho Account.
- Closed On: The date when the transaction was settled.
- Account Number: Displays the last four digits of the account number for WIRE-DOM and ACH-US transactions. Click to reveal the entire account number.
- Routing Number: Displays the last four digits of the bank routing number for WIRE-DOM and ACH-US transactions. Click to reveal the entire account number.
- Type:The type of transaction that took place:
- ACH-US - A domestic transaction via ACH.
- CHECK - A physical check transaction generated by Rho
- EXTERNAL - An external, non RDC transaction to your Rho account.
- INTERNAL - An internal transaction from one Rho account to another.
- RDC - A remote deposit check capture transaction.
- WIRE-DOM - A domestic wire transaction.
- WIRE-INT - An international wire (SWIFT) and foreign exchange transaction.
- Transaction ID: The ID assigned to the transaction.
Rho Attributes
- Department: The department assigned to the transaction. Users with admin privileges can add/update the assigned department by clicking the drop-down list and selecting the desired department.
- Label: The label assigned to the transaction. Users with admin privileges can add/update label(s) to the transaction by clicking the Add Label button and selecting the desired labels.
- Note: View or edit the note associated with the transaction.
- Memo: View any memo associated with the transaction.
Download Transaction Details
Click the Download button to download a PDF file containing the transaction details that you can print. Rho downloads the PDF file to the downloads folder for the browser.