Here are some examples of common rules that companies use in Rho’s expenses experience to monitor spend.
Receipt requirements
In this example, the company wants to require all employees to attach receipts to transactions over $20. There are also a few exceptions configured: 2 users are not required to add receipts, and 4 vendor-specific cards will also be exempt from this rule, meaning that they won't need a receipt to be approved.

Attendees needed for client entertainment spend
In this example, all transactions filed under the Entertainment budget require that the Attendees field be filled in, as well as a receipt.

Home office stipends
In this example, any transactions assigned to the Home Office Stipend budget that exceed $250 will be marked as “Out-of-Policy” and need review in the Company Expenses tab.

Job numbers required in notes
In this example, all transactions purchased in the Construction Materials budget must have a receipt attached and a note that contains a job number.