You are able to approve scheduled transactions created by your Team Members. With Rho, you can create Payment Settings for which Team Members can authorize payments, how many Team Member needs to approve a transaction, and transaction amounts that require approval.
You can configure your approval policy in the Organization Settings section.

From here, you can select an Approval Threshold (any transaction initiated over the entered amount will require approval). You can then select the number of users who will need to approve a transfer prior to it being sent (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), and which users are designated as "Approvers". For example, you can require 1 user to approve all transactions over $50, and it can be 1 of the 3 users that you designated as "approvers".
Once the transactions are initiated to be released, the Designated Approvers will receive emails to approve each transaction prior to the release of funds.
For more information about which roles have the ability to create transactions, see Roles & Permissions.