Approve Payments
To approve a payment, navigate to Accounts Payable > Payments > Approvals on web or mobile to view all items awaiting your review. Click on the item you wish to approve.

You can approve from the table, or click the payment to review expanded details, then click Approve.

If your organization administrator has enabled two-factor authentication, you may be prompted to enter a six digit code you will receive via text or email. Enter the code and click Continue.
You will receive a confirmation notification in the bottom left corner of the screen. It will also note any additional approvals needed per your administrator’s approval settings.
If you are the final approver needed before the payment is sent, you will receive this confirmation.
Reject Payments
To reject a payment, simply click on the red Reject button either from the table or by clicking into a specific transaction.
There are 3 options when rejecting a payment:
- Move to Payment Draft. The payment will be rejected, but the bill will remain processed. That means you'll find the rejected payment in the Payments tab under Drafts.
- Move to Bill Draft. The payment will be rejected, and it will return to the Bills tab to be reviewed.
- Archive Payment. The bill will be archived.

Final Approver on Payment
If you are the final approver of a bill, you will be asked to confirm all bill details before approving and scheduling payment.
Click Approve in Bill Details, then Approve & Schedule Payment.
Review the payment summary form and click Confirm Payment.
Lastly, if your organization administrator has enabled two-factor authentication, you may be prompted to enter a six digit code you will receive via text or email. Enter the code and click Approve & Schedule.
You will be brought to a screen confirming that the payment was successfully scheduled for disbursement.
Bulk Approve Payments
To bulk approve payments, navigate to Accounts Payable > Payments > Approvals to view all items awaiting your review.
Select the empty boxes to the left of each line item that you wish to approve. When you have selected all your desired items, click the green Approve button in the top left corner.
Bulk Rejects Payments
To bulk reject payments, navigate to Accounts Payable > Payments > Approvals to view all items awaiting your review.
Select the empty boxes to the left of each line item that you wish to reject. When you have selected all your desired items, click the red Reject in the top left corner.
Cancel Scheduled Payments
To cancel a scheduled payment, navigate to Accounts Payable > Payments > Scheduled to view all items scheduled for payment.
Click the three dots on the right side of the line item, then click Revoke.
Confirm the action in the pop-up.