To update your card settings, navigate to Cards Tab > Team Cards > My Cards in the Rho dashboard.
Once you locate the card you want to update, click on the card to open more details.
Once in the new tab, click the Actions button in the upper right corner of the screen, and select View Card Settings from the drop-down list.

The Card Settings page allows you to change the settings of your Rho Card, such as:
- The card name
- The assigned department
- The card limit
- The permitted spending categories

Edit the desired settings (listed below) and click Save Changes when finished
- Card Nickname: When the card is initially created, the Card Nickname is automatically populated with the first and last name of the user assigned to the card.
- Department (optional): Click the drop-down list to change the department assigned to the card.
- Spend from Account: The checking account assigned to the card. By default, the Rho Primary Checking account for your organization is selected.
- Card Limit (optional): The maximum amount of money, in USD, that can be charged to the card, depending on the Limit Type.
Advanced Controls
You can also review and edit advanced card controls including:
- Merchant Controls.
- Spending & Receipt Upload Notifications. See more here.
- Card Usage Dates
- International Spend Restrictions
Learn more about these advanced controls here