You can easily view your accrued Rho cash rewards in your ‘Rewards Account’ in your Rho Banking tab.
With our new Rewards account you gain complete visibility into your total rewards balance, rewards earned this period, rewards earned to date, and your cashback rate. You can also quickly redeem your rewards or manage your cashback rate directly in your ‘Rewards Account’.

Rho Reward Accruals:
Enjoy frictionless cashback rewards with Rho! No complicated points scheme, no convoluted redemption!
Just cash rewards that are automatically yours when you make a repayment on your Rho Card. Earn cashback on card spend with your Rho Card.
- Accrued rewards for up to 60 days to pay are automatically deposited into your Rewards Account, typically 6 business days following full repayment of the statement balance.
- Accrued rewards for our 1-day card are automatically deposited into your Rewards Accounts, typically on the 6th business day of the month, for card spend during the preceding month.
- To redeem your cashback rewards, simply transfer a specified dollar amount or the full reward balance from your Rewards Account into your Primary Operating Account.
- Rewards are earned on settled transactions only.
Please note: Late payments do not earn rewards for transactions during that statement period. However, your next statement’s transactions will earn rewards when you make that repayment on time.
In the case of refunds, returns, disputes, fraud, or other transaction reversals, rewards will be subtracted from the following periods accrued rewards to net out the difference.